Letter of gratitude from Bellingen

Letter of gratitude from Bellingen

Dear Kate
I wanted to thank you and your team for your hard work on my claim for Medical Negligence that concluded successfully in late 2021. The process was long and arduous, a fact you warned me of on the very first day. You were so right.

Over the time, I found the process fascinating and at times quite confronting as it dealt with my own personal frailties and brought things to light, I was at times not always ready for.

It tried my patience, again as you warned me of. At all times you and Sheri kept me informed of the situation in relation to my case and made me comfortable in awkward moments with your skill, knowledge and experience.

My partner and I were pleased with the treatment I received from your consultants, some of the defendant’s team, not so much. Overall, I found you and your team made a difficult and potentially unpleasant process bearable and reasonable, and we had a very successful and satisfying result.
Thank you so much.

Yours truly,

Client from Bellingen/NSW