Kate Williams is a respected and renowned health law specialist for very good reason.
With nursing qualifications and professional background, her understanding of the medicine and the patient experience, is just the start of the benefits for her clients and colleagues working with her. Kate has specialised in health law for her entire legal career, spanning over 20 years. This has involved the development of knowledge across the entire spectrum of medical and legal issues, which is key to the successful execution of responsible case management and strategy.
Hand-in-hand is the legal professional imperative to manage litigation with the “just, quick and cost-effective” outcome for the parties. Having acted as mediator in a number of Kate’s health law matters, I can personally attest to the empathy and respect that she has for her clients, her skilled case preparation, choice of medical experts, shrewd commercial judgement, collegiate respect and ability to get a great outcome for her client.
Collegiate respect cannot be underestimated and is earned. From the mid 1990’s as a medico-legal colleague of Kate, she has always been a frequent author of papers and seminars, generously forthcoming with specialist knowledge and to share her “black book” of go-to experts. Kate has a good working relationship with her opponents, achieves optimal settlements for her clients but will also back her client’s case all the way when she judges this to be warranted.
As a former medico-legal practitioner myself, it is my practice to refer matters to Kate because I know her clients will always receive responsible, knowledgeable and skilled advice and representation.
From another fellow practitioner
Medical negligence testimonial
Testimonial regarding dental negligence
Right from the beginning of my journey
Terminal stage 4 bowel cancer
Professional, compassionate, understanding and reassuring
Kate and Sheri were amazing to work with
Letter of gratitude
We are forever grateful
I would highly recommend Kate and Sheri
Kate’s invaluable experience and incredible level of knowledge
Highly recommended
Professional, tenacious and caring
Knowledgeable, Passionate and Friendly