Cosmetic Surgery: Going Under The Knife For An Abdominoplasty
More and more Australians are embarking on healthier lifestyles and choosing to lose weight. Many are turning to cosmetic surgery as the final step in their transformation.
An abdominoplasty (commonly known as a ‘tummy tuck’) is a procedure to remove excess skin or tissue that is left behind following dramatic weight loss. It is often utilised, in conjunction with liposuction, to give a firmer appearance to a persons abdomen.
Every patients body is different. Surgeons need to pay particular attention their patient’s medical history and body type in order to achieve a satisfactory surgical outcome. Failure to conduct face-to-face physical examinations, inadequate pre-operative planning and insufficient post-operative care all lead to poor outcomes.
Common problems we encounter in the claims we undertake for our clients include:
– failure to perform as face to face physical assessments prior to recommending surgery
– poor surgical planning leading to unsatisfactory cosmetic results
– radical removal of tissue devitalising skin, causing wound breakdown and infection
– inadequate surgical drainage causing build-up of fluid and potential for infection
– errors in surgical scar placement
– uneven banding of scar due to failure to level the underlaying tissue prior to wound closure
– poor reconstruction of navels (belly buttons)
Plastic and cosmetic surgery is a very specialised area of surgical skill which requires taking a detailed medical history, comprehensive physical examination, careful surgical planning and vigilant post-operative care. Clear communication between patients and practitioners is of upmost importance to ensure patients have realistic expectations. This includes understanding what can be safely achieved through surgery and minimising inherent risks to allow satisfactory performance of the procedure.
Not all cosmetic surgeons are trained by the Royal College of Plastic Surgeons. It is important to research your doctors qualifications and experience to allow you to make informed decisions regarding who you entrust with your medical care.